Marcia Murray-Stoof
Innisfil, Ontario, Canada
Marcia was born and educated in England, and immigrated to Canada in 1991.
Marcia is well versed in all aspects of Dog Handling/Behaviour.
Marcia is also a Certified Therapy Dog & Cat Evaluator for Therapeutic Paws of Canada.
With whom she also volunteers with both Teal'C & Tarkas. They visit local Seniors Homes, Recovery Centers.
Both Teal'C & Tarkas are also Cetified for Interaction with Children, and Marcia is the PAWS Team cooridinator for her
Below is a breif history of Marcia's life.
Marcia, has had dogs in her life since the age of 5.
Starting with the family dog a Liver Spotted Dalmatian called Aksaul. With the loss of Aksual, the family
got a Harlequin Great Dane, Cleo and a couple of years later another Great Dane, this time a Blue Merle Harlequin, Chloe.
This was the start of Marcia's love of Large Breed dogs.
Marcia attended several obedience classes with Cleo & Chloe, and enjoyed handling such large dogs.
Marcia now married longed for a dog of her own and it was not long after that
Karla a German Stock Doberman Pincher became part of her family. Two years later Aver
was added to the family a Brindle Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
Years later after Marcia's immigration to Canada she met and married Marco, they purchased an Australian
Shepherd named Bear, for her son Daniel and their daughter Saxon. Bear was sadly killed by a speeding car not long after
they moved into their second home. The family was devistated. Several months later they purchased Teal'C their
first Dogue De Bordeaux, as both Marcia and the Children, were finding it hard to live without a dog.
At the age of one, it was found that Teal'C had a Heart Murmur. As a result Marcia spent many hours researching
on the internet about Dogue de Bordeaux's health issues, during this time she came across the Dogue De Bordeaux
Lovers web site and through posting questions and comments on Dogue de Bordeaux health issues the sites Manager Mrs.
Cathy Smith of Redlegends Bordeaux Kennels, asked her to become Assistant Manager of the site due to Marcia's knowledge
of the breed.
Mrs. Smith - (Cathy) & Marcia soon became good friends. Cathy impressed with Marcia's dedication to the
breed was to offer her the pick male of their Calendar / Hocus litter to show.
Marcia has been showing Tarkas since he was 3 months old. Tarkas has been doing extremely well, and Marcia
is fast becoming a great Handler.
Marcia is dedicated to this breed and to promoting TPOC.
Marcia continues to increase her knowledge of Dogs, and expand her training knowledge.

Marcia is happy to hear from anyone interested in the Dogue De Bordeaux. Current
or prospective owners, other breeders and exhibitors.
Those interested in Therapy Dog Work.
In general if you have a dog related question or suggestion, no matter the breed, she
is always happy to hear from you.